Contract No. 4- 17,140 LF of 8” PVC, CL 200 Force Main, 19,000 LF of 3” HDPE DR11 Force Main, 19,820 LF of 2” HDPE
DR11 Force Main, 28 Flushing Connections, 23 – 2” Combination Air Release Valves,3 – 8” Plug Valves,
22 – 2” and 3” Gate Valves, 175 Simplex STEP Stations and Electrical Connections, 58 – Control Panel
Stand Mounts, 175 – Lateral Assemblies and Service Line Connections, 233 Cleanouts, 175 Close Existing
Tanks, 175 Service Plumbing Inspections, 820 LF Road Bore and Case, 2 – 10” Creek Bores, 5,250 LF of
4” PVC, Sch. 40 Gravity Service Line, 4,375 LF of 2” PVC, Sch. 40 Gravity Service Line (Graywater), 26,250
LF of 1-1’4” HDPE DR 11 Service For Main, 2,100 LF of Road Bore and Case for Service Line, 700 LF of
Open Cut and Case for Service Line, 1 Pump Station Upgrade and Related.